Thursday, March 11, 2021

American Judges and Judiciaries Define Jury Duty As A Job - We Need To Back Up The Proof

A n earlier post here at I, Juror (California Judiciaries Publicly Defined Jury Duty As A Job. Now They Don't Want To Talk About It . . .) showed that judges in the
  • American Federal
  • California State
  • Los Angeles County
judiciaries directly and / or indirectly defined jury duty as a job. That post also showed that those judiciaries themselves directly and / or indirectly defined jury duty as a job. The post had a lot of URLs to the webpages that prove all this, but those URL's might go bad sooner or later. This post will supply URL's that backup these resources. Hopefully, these backups will work for a long, long time.

This YouTube vid clearly defines jury duty as a job. Los Angeles County Judge Daniel Buckley co-starred in that vid. For a long time, anyone could freely see that vid, but well before January 29, 2021, that vid mysteriously went private. This Wayback Machine resource shows that the LA Court YouTube channel owns and operates that vid, so the admins of that channel can likely explain the whole history of the vid, and just exactly how it went private. Fortunately, we can find the equivalent content of that mysterious vid here at the Wayback Machine. Fast forward to 1:24 for the pull quote. Sooner or later, a forensic investigation will show who ordered the privacy setting for this vid at YouTube, and why. Taxpayers and jurors have the right to know that story, because we employ everyone at the Los Angeles County Judiciary, including Judge Buckley.

Definitely as of March 13, 2016, through at least March 15, 2019, the Los Angeles County Judiciary jury duty web page directly embedded the Judge Buckley vid. This judiciary might well have embedded that vid, or its equivalent content, much earlier. As of March 19, 2019, the vid vanished from that web page and stayed vanished. That vid embed lasted many years, and it proved that the Los Angeles County Judiciary agreed, declared, and defined that jury duty is a job. Since that judiciary never rolled back that declaration, it still defines jury duty as a job. One day, a forensic investigation will show who ordered this March 19, 2019 jury duty web page edit, and why. Taxpayers and jurors have the right to see the information, because we employ everyone at the Los Angeles County Judiciary, including Judge Buckley.

Definitely as of June 28, 2015, and certainly through July 6, 2019, the California state-level judiciary embedded the equivalent Judge Buckley YouTube vid content at its official jury duty web page. This judiciary might well have embedded that vid, or its equivalent content, even earlier. That vid embed proved that the California Judiciary agreed and defined that jury duty is a job. California Supreme Court Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye just loves jury duty (here and here). Historically, that California Judiciary jury duty web page clearly showed that Justice Cantil-Sakauye agreed and defined that jury duty is a job, because it placed her picture, and a quote from her, really close to the vid embed. As of July 30, 2019, that judiciary removed the vid from its jury duty web page. Justice Cantil-Sakauye might have endorsed that removal. However, because of the embed of the Judge Buckley vid at the CA Judiciary jury duty web page, the CA judiciary formally agrees, declares, and defines that jury duty is a job until it says otherwise. One day, a forensic investigation will show who ordered the edit, and why. Taxpayers and jurors have the right to see the information, because we employ everyone at the California Judiciary, including Justice Cantil-Sakauye.

The United States Federal Judiciary operates the United States Courts YouTube channel. That channel hosts this vid, where Federal Judge Jeremy Fogel clearly defined jury duty as a job, as of November 22, 2013. The vid has not disappeared as of January 29, 2021 in any way, and at the Wayback Machine, we can find its content here as a backup. This vid proves that the United States Federal Judiciary agreed and defined that jury duty is a job.

We clearly see above that
  • Federal Judge Jeremy Fogel
  • California Supreme Court Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye
  • Los Angeles County Judge Daniel Buckley
each and all directly and / or indirectly defined jury duty as a job. Additionally, the reporting above shows that the
  • United States Federal Judiciary
  • California Judiciary
  • Los Angeles County Judiciary
each and all directly and / or indirectly defined jury duty as a job. Countless Americans remember the jury duty voir dire warmup speeches, where lawyers and judges formally described jury duty as a job. I clearly remember it. These six major stakeholders alone must then logically support everything those definitions require

  • the highest prevailing minimum wage, for all hours of jury duty employment, with zero tax and zero tax paperwork - instead of $15.00 per day, taxable and starting day TWO (last increase: July 1, 2000)

  • the California government legislature employee mileage rate for jurors, covering all miles honestly counted, for travel between home and the official jury duty parking lot, with zero tax and zero tax paperwork - instead of 17 cents a mile, taxable and starting day TWO (last increase: July 1, 2000)

and additionally, those stakeholders will support top-to-bottom California jury duty system hiring fairness audits. These audits will verify whether or not Americans who pay "massive" amounts of political campaign contribution money (PCCM) handle jury duty the same way that Americans who pay zero PCCM handle jury duty. If even one of the listed stakeholders opposes any of these government policy products, that stakeholder needs to immediately explain why. Taxpayers and jurors have the right to see the information, because we employ all of the judges listed above, and we employ everyone who works in the judiciaries listed above.

While we're at it, we should also carefully note certain mysterious PCCM payments of Barb(a)ra Streisand(s). Often enough, these payments happen in potentially related groups. For example:

1.  This

     September 9, 2006 payment to Senator Chris Murphy

          (see the original FEC document here)

     and this

     September 9, 2006 payment to Representative Joseph Courtney

          (see the original FEC document here)

Read more about these payments here
2.  This

     November 2, 2018 payment to Rep. Eric Swalwell

          (see the original FEC document here)

     and this

     May 28, 2020 payment to Elizabeth Pannill Fletcher

          (see the original FEC document here)

Hint 1: try to find that Fletcher payment address on a map

Hint 2: try to find that Swalwell payment if you don't have its FEC URL. See an FEC search result backup for that Swalwell payment here
3.  A mysterious January 13, 2020 payment to "Bollier for Kansas"

          (see the original FEC document here)

     Hint: try to find its mailing address on a map

Over time, jurors will become more aware of their labor, employment, and constitutional rights as jury duty temp job employees. Their full-time government employees, and maybe even some lawyers, might try to deny the truth behind those rights. The evidence - the proof - shown and backed up here will help jurors prove the truth and prove those rights.