Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Presidential Candidate(s) Thomas Steyer(s), and Jury Duty

Thomas Steyer(s) sure do pay lots of political campaign contribution money. At least one of them ran for president in the 2020 campaign. According to many reports, U.S. presidential candidate Thomas Steyer showed up for jury duty in late August, 2019. At the Tom Steyer Twitter page, this August 26, 2019 tweet

stated that he " . . . had jury duty." Well, I believe that as a campaign issue, the Steyer campaign would have logically published many reports, pictures, vids, and tweets about his jury duty service. This material would spotlight
  • Steyer's jury duty paperwork
  • Steyer's arrival in the jury duty parking lot
  • Steyer walking through the metal detectors
  • Steyer waiting in the jury duty ready room
  • tons of Steyer selfies with other jurors
  • Steyer waiting in the hallway outside a courtroom
  • Steyer in the cafeteria
  • potential post-jury duty Steyer interviews
and so on. Other jurors would have taken and published tons of selfies with him. Donald Trump, for example, got a lot of publicity about his own jury duty service. So did Senator Ted Cruz. However, I never found similar material for Presidential Candidate Steyer. He would have scored endless hours of free publicity for his presidential campaign if he physically showed up for jury duty. Even if Presidential Candidate Steyer stayed on call and never physically showed up at the courtroom building, he would logically tweet about this at least once a day while he waited, and he would have published many pix of his jury duty paperwork. In this way, he still would have squeezed tons of free publicity out of it. If Steyer has campaign consultants, at least one of them should have ordered him to do all this, and as it happened. He has billions of dollars, and he must pay them lots of money to think of these things. I trust what Mr. Steyer stated about his jury duty service. I also want to verify it. I doubt that Mr. Steyer(s) would ever tell a lie about his / their jury duty service . . .