Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Hollywood 'Elite': Political Activism, Money, and Jury Duty . . .

To help explain the American Health Care Act, "expert" and Harvard economics PhD Jonathan Gruber freely ranted about " . . . the stupidity of the American voter." No one noticed or cared until Rich Weinstein
Twitter: @phillyrich1
discovered and publicized that rant. Rich's efforts caught on and America saw and heard the truth. As a result, we have a new verb: "to gruber." Rich motivated other " . . . idiots like [himself]" to find other examples. Well, a Hollywood screenwriter freely grubered in August, 2018 - in print - and I'm the idiot who caught the whole thing. This article describes what I found and the so-far unanswered questions behind it. Those unanswered questions reach into jury duty service fairness and equality.


On August 2, 2018, The Hollywood Reporter published Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Too Far Left for Hollywood? by Peter Kiefer and Chris Gardner. The article covered a late July / early August, 2018 visit to the Los Angeles area by Congressional candidate Alexandia Ocasio-Cortez. The reporters interviewed Hollywood screenwriter Jennifer Levin for their article. The article focused on Levin in one paragraph, and it included direct quotes. The article explained that Levin has worked on Hollywood productions as a screenwriter, and IMDB confirms this. In the paragraph, Levin made a comment about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Then, the paragraph explained that Levin
" . . . moonlights as a grassroots activist working to flip a number of California [Congressional] seats . . ."
and as a free, free-thinking American, Levin obviously has all the rights in America to do this. The article paragraph continued with Levin's quoted statement
"Let's be honest: We represent the money. We are the elite."
where she described herself and her colleagues. Note that I added the bold / italic formatting. Wow. In my opinion, those two sentences look explosive. They sure scared the hell out of me because combined with Levin's "grassroots activis[m]," they tied money and "elite" status all together. One would think that reporters Kiefer and Gardner would ask her questions about these statements. I would have thought that The Hollywood Reporter leadership would instruct Kiefer and Gardner, and / or other employees of The Hollywood Reporter, to further investigate these statements. To the best of my knowledge, no one at The Hollywood Reporter did any of this, so I did it for them. They're welcome.

I don't have much money. Therefore, I need Member of the Elite (MOTE) Levin to help me understand just exactly what " . . . We represent the money" means - more about this later. However, as a commoner American
1, I most definitely understand that " . . . We are the elite" part. As a non-lawyer, I have read the United States Constitution - cover to cover. The U.S. Constitution outlaws both federal-level and state-level titles of nobility. To the best of my knowledge, MOTE Levin and her colleagues do not have any titles of nobility - but that "elite" business sure looks noble to me. That "elite" sentence ties into our old friend Amendment 14, Equal Protection Clause, United States Constitution. I can't get enough of this clause. It works like duct tape, or WD-40. A non-lawyer commoner American like myself can use it everywhere to repair everything. Since MOTE Levin and her colleagues
1. "represent the money"
2. have "elite" status
then first, I want MOTE Levin to explain what these items exactly mean, in light of the Equal Protection Clause. In other words, I want MOTE Levin to explain just exactly how she / her colleagues "represent the money." Then, assuming the Equal Protection Clause works, I want her to explain what I can represent if I have no money to represent. Second, I want to know if MOTE Levin and / or her "elite" colleagues receive any sort of benefit from government employees, in any way, that is unavailable to commoner Americans like myself. If she / they do receive these benefits, I want the full story, background, and picture about that / those benefits. The alleged allegations about former Los Angeles County Property Tax Assessor John Noguez - unproven one way or another so far - make these questions totally relevant. The more recent arrest of Beverly Hills real estate developer Arman Gabaee also makes these questions totally relevant. Both Hollywood and Beverly Hills land in Los Angeles County territory.

In my journalist role, I wrote up what became a list of questions

for MOTE Levin. Click here to see that question list in a new browser tab, for download as a PDF. As mentioned earlier, in the question list I asked MOTE Levin, point-blank, to please explain how "representation of money" works. I ended up asking her nineteen (19) questions in total. I included plenty of questions about
1. her opinions about jury duty
2. her jury duty history
3. the jury duty history of other folks who "represent the money" and / or who have "elite" status
to learn more about how the "elite" handles American jury duty. I have the qualifications for this because in my role as a non-lawyer commoner American, I became the best jury duty law expert in America. Amendment I, Freedom of the Press Clause, United States Constitution guarantees me the right to ask these questions and to publish and report about these questions. Full disclosure: I researched the jury duty history of MOTE Levin the same way I researched the jury duty history of Barbra Streisand and Thomas Steyer. I did my best but once again, I found no information on this topic. Then, I had to find a way to contact MOTE Levin to send her the questions. After some research, I found the
Twitter handle. I sent this tweet to @jenniferlevin22 through Twitter. So far, MOTE Levin has not answered. I figured I waited long enough, so I published this article. I welcome answers to these questions from MOTE Levin and I will write a new article about her answers after she sends those answers to me.

1 An American citizen who has never voluntarily paid and / or voluntarily received political campaign contribution money. See Common Sense - Third Millennium for more.